Diagnose Like A Pro With An Autodiagger 100+ Alternator Tester

Get More Auto Electrical Work Done In Less Time With HDM Auto Electrical Parts

Diagnose Like A Pro With An Autodiagger 100+ Alternator Tester

Get More Auto Electrical Work Done In Less Time With HDM Auto Electrical Parts

Upgrade Your Diagnostic Skills With The Autodiagger 100+ Alternator Tester.

This game-changing tool for Auto Electricians and Mechanics tests and diagnoses alternator charging problems by replicating the digital signals from a vehicle’s ECU. The AD100+ tester can test an alternator while it is still installed on a vehicle or a test bench.

Why Invest In An Autodiagger 100 Alternator tester?

Here are three serious reasons why Auto Electricians and Mechanics should incorporate the Autodiagger 100+ into their daily workflow...

#1. Save Time

Diagnose Without Removal: The Autodiagger 100+ can test the alternator while it's still installed in the car. Identify the real problem before removing the alternator.

Faster & More Precise Diagnosis: The Autodiagger 100+ can quickly pinpoint the problem with the alternator, allowing the mechanic to move straight to the repair. This eliminates unnecessary troubleshooting and wasted time.

#2. Make More Money!

Increased Efficiency: By saving time on diagnoses, the mechanic can complete more jobs in a day, leading to higher overall revenue.

Reduced Labor Costs: Eliminating unnecessary removal and installation of the alternator reduces labour costs associated with the repair.

Improved Customer Satisfaction: Faster repair turnaround times lead to happier customers who are more likely to return for future service and recommend your shop to others.

#3. Service More Customers

More Appointments

The time saved by using the Autodiagger 100+ allows the mechanic to take on more appointments and service a larger number of customers.

Reduced Backlog

Faster diagnoses and repairs help clear the backlog of jobs, allowing Auto Electricians and Mechanics to quickly take on new customers.

Build Trust

Efficient service and accurate diagnoses build trust with customers, leading to repeat business and referrals for customers.

I Want To Know More

We've been helping Auto Electricians solve auto electrical problems since 2004 and we can help you today! Want to know more about our Aotudiagger Alternator tester? Complete the form and HDM Auto Electrical will contact you. 

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